Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Schutz goes away of adventure in Toronto

Ernesto Schutz say: Since I didn't have anything better to do I went downtown to pick up my voucher refund from the first night I was there (see part 1) and then walk around about a kilometer radius around Yonge and Bloor. Among other weird things I am unable to discuss on this blog, I was given an informational slip of paper to go to the Church of Scientology for a free personality test. Apparently I'm stubborn and dispersed and scientology can help me out with both of those things. Whatever. I might go back.

I knew going into it that they would be trying to convert me slowly; so I gave them my college address and didn't give them my last name. It seemed like everyone who was doing the test were male aged 20-25; so it must have been a research study. I may go back next week for an IQ test though, but so far I don't see a future in Scientology like Tom Cruise. It was worth the visit though as I'm not sure where I stand religiously. Religion has always been something I wanted to learn more about.

Tonight (or should I say last night) was party night. Went to the Hard Rock Cafe, Famous Players, Eaton Center and then had a few more random drinks at Mr. Greenjeans. Spent around $50 just on myself but also had a lot of fun. Just like the Sleeman's commercial says, unplanned evenings are the most memorable. I'm looking forward to coming out again next week sometime.


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